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acoustic treatmentbafflebar lucciharmful soundjon finleynoiseSorbersound absorptionsound absorption bafflesound panelssound reductionvolume reduction

Customer Success Stories - Bar Lucci
Bar Lucci needed help with acoustic treatment - read how our S2448 Sorber panels were able to solve the problem.
acoustic treatmentbaffleClearSonicfree-standing acoustic treatmentgoboinstrument isolationnoiseS2466x2Sorbersound absorptionsound absorption bafflesound tipsvolume reduction

Product Feature - The Versatile S2466x2
Our S2466x2 seems simple at first glance, but is actually quite versatile.
acoustic treatmentbaffleharmful soundhearing damagehearing loss preventionnoiseSorbersound absorptionsound absorption bafflevolume reduction

Using Sorber Sound Absorption Baffles as Acoustic Treatment
Sorber baffles aren't just for music spaces - read how ClearSonic Sorber baffles lowered harmful noise and made life bearable for the technicians at ECS Tuning.
acoustic treatmentacrylic shieldamp shieldAmpPacClearSonicguitar baffleJB-4Joe Bonamassalive soundSorbersound absorptionsound shieldvolume reduction

ClearSonic Guitar Amp Shields and AmpPacs - An Overview
Rocking with your ClearSonic guitar Amp Shields and AmpPacs: an easy portable system to assist in live performances and recording sessions.
acoustic treatmentacrylic shieldamp shieldAmpPacClearSonicdrum shieldguitar baffleinstrument isolationIsoPaclive soundSorbersound absorptionsound shieldsound tipsvolume reduction

What are Drum Shields & IsoPacs Anyway?
Trying to decide what ClearSonic product is right for your needs? Are you looking for reliable sound control for quieter home practice that won't disturb others? Are you performing live at venues or Houses of Worship and need to create better separation between instruments? Or, do you want a more ideal acoustic space to track your next big musical idea? In any case, ClearSonic has you covered.
acoustic treatmentClearSonicdrum shieldharmful soundhearing damagehearing losshearing loss preventionhyperacusisnoiseSorbersound absorption

Did you know that in addition to hearing damage, prolonged exposure to loud noise can lead to other harmful effects on our wellbeing, such as contributing to dementia and cardiovascular disease? The Hearing Health Foundation and Dr. Daniel Fink are trying to help.