Drum Shield Maintenance and Set Up Tips

How do you clean an acrylic drum shield? 

Here at ClearSonic, we get questions frequently about how to properly maintain our drum shields to extend the life of the shield. Read on for important drum shield maintenance tips:

1) Most importantly, use an Acrylic cleaner only. 

Cleaning Acrylic is different than cleaning glass.  DO NOT USE WINDEX OR ANY CLEANER THAT CONTAINS AMMONIA. 

Please note that regular ClearSonic Acrylic Panels are manufactured out of standard acrylic which has a softer surface than glass and therefore needs to be treated with extra care. Ammonia based cleaners like Windex and abrasive wipes like paper towels may scratch acrylic panels and result in 'fogging'. Because of this, we offer plastic-safe Sprayway Glass Cleaner.

Sprayway Glass Cleaner is safe on all plastics and glass and will not leave any film. 

2) Wear gloves when handling your drum shield. This reduces the need to clean the panels. We sell jersey gloves for this purpose.


Below are a few videos to assist with the maintenance and set up of ClearSonic drum shields.   

How do you replace a ClearSonic Hinge?

Evan does a great job of walking us through the process of replacing a proprietary hinge on a ClearSonic drum shield:

In the next video, Evan shows how to remove a drum shield panel and hinge from an existing drum shield:

How do you attach acrylic height extenders to your ClearSonic drum shield?

This next video helps to demonstrate how to install the height extenders on our drum shields: 

How do you safely fold and move a ClearSonic drum shield?

Watch Evan demonstrate how to properly fold and move a ClearSonic drum shield to reduce wear and tear on both the unit and one's back .  

In this video, Nick shows us how to unbox and set up our drum shields.  ClearSonic drums shields ship fully-assembled to help you from having to assemble on site. Let us save you time and effort!