Sound Proofing for Drums at Home

Trying to quiet your drum room?

Floor treatment

Ideally you want as many soft surfaces in the room as possible.  Starting with a room with rugs makes a large difference.  Adding rugs that are specifically designed to absorb sound will help - but any sort of separation from the floor will increase the reduction.  Foam or rubber mats add an additional layer of protection under the drums.  There are many options to be able to reduce sound transmission in a cost effective manner.   




Treating the Room 


What are some of the costs of treating the room. 

The most complete way to treat sound is to soundproof a room but soundproofing a room is likely more involved than most people initially believe.  Some factors to keep in mind are that everything needs to be renovated to really reduce the sound transmissions.  The floor, the walls, and the ceiling all need attention. This can include removing the drywall to add a staggered stud system, noise proofing glues and compounds, insulation, and many other approaches.  Simpler approaches to treating the wall include sound proof blankets and curtains and wall mounted acoustic panels.  

Simple things to start to with- 

Upgrading your door 

Your door is likely your largest area of opportunity to reduce sound transmission. 

Door Seal Kits, Automatic door bottoms, Door jam Seals, Acoustical Door thresholds, Cam Lift door hinges, or ultimately replacing your door with a Sound proof door. 

Checking for Vents or Air Gaps 

Blocking off vents, Air returns, and anywhere that air can move freely is a great inexpensive way to reduce the sound transmission.  Just keep in mind, it needs to be temporary for the vents and air returns to allow the air flow required by your house.   An option for this is Mass Loaded Vinyl barriers.

Treating The Windows 

Thick curtains or drapes will help cancel noise.  There are many options out there to not only help with sound, but also reduce the transfer of heat or cold.  

Weather stripping will assist with any gaps that allow air to flow freely. Seal the border of windows with adhesive rubber or plastic weatherstripping. Blocking holes or gaps prevents sound or air from coming or going. 

 Foam- You can simply cut acoustic foam to put into the windows frames to assist while you are drumming and then pull back out when you are finished.  

Don't forget about the ceiling!

There are two approaches- the quick and easy way or the more professional approach

Acoustic ceiling tiles are the quick and easy way to reduce the sound transmitted through the ceiling.  Most styles will install directly over the ceiling you already have. 

Cloud method-  This involves adding an acoustical ceiling or barrier made of acoustical fiberglass or foam to add an additional layer to prevent the sound energy from getting to the ceiling itself.  This is very common in professional studios and home recording studios.  It is a little more involved but typically very effective.  

A 10 decibel reduction will reduce the perceived sound by 50%

A combination of these approaches will greatly reduce the sound transmission of your drum kit.  Your neighbors will thank you after you apply some of these simple adjustments to reduce the sound that bleeds out of your room and your house.  

 Perceived sound reduction equations